Yesterday, as I was preparing dinner (Spanish rice with black beans and red kidney beans. We add shredded cheddar over the top and eat it with tortilla chips. Maybe not exactly authentically Puerto Rican but… Yum!), my son sat on a stool by the refrigerator and watched as I stirred the simple ingredients into a culinary masterpiece. However, something else was on his mind. Our conversation went something like this:
“Dad, I miss being a superhero in Superheroes Anonymous and I miss all other heroes.” (SA is among other things an annual volnteer/training conference for masked adventurers, founded by Chaim “Life” Lazaros and Ben “Cameraman” Goldman. I helped organize years 2, 3 and 4 [Note: Illya King did all the hard work on that one.] and for my son it seems the name became synonymous with costumed activism. Visit to learn more about their events.)
“Me, too kiddo.” I replied.
“Where is everyone?” he asked.
“They’re still around. Many are still superheroes (like Dark Guardian, Nyx and Phantom Zero) and others moved on but are still heroes in other ways (like Kismet [a rockin mom], Green Sage [high school science teacher] and Zetaman [still helping helping the homeless of PDX]). We’re just not all necessarily “in” Superheroes Anonymous.”
He shrugged, “I guess I just miss our team. Whatever it might be called.”
Finally, I asked, “Well, what does a “superhero team” look like to you?”
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